Knowledge Base

KlipDraw Motion

Watch through these short videos to understand the basics of KlipDraw Motion.



KlipDraw Motion - 1 - Make and edit Klips





KlipDraw Motion - 2 - From timeline to drawing window






KlipDraw Motion - 3 - Add an automatic motion tracking






KlipDraw Motion - 4 - Static shapes on video






KlipDraw Motion - 5 - Add an animate frame to the video






KlipDraw Motion - 6 - Change tracker positions and colours in a motion sequence






KlipDraw Motion - 7 - Using Safe Mode






KlipDraw Motion - 8 - Toggles for your drawings






KlipDraw Motion - 9 - Multiple automated trackers and the joining line






KlipDraw Motion - 10 - Save and export your Klips






KlipDraw Motion - 11 - Watch back your Klips






KlipDraw Motion - 12 - Save your project

















